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How To Protect Your Back When Lifting Weights


Your back is precious.

Not only does it house your spine – the very thing that keeps you upright – but it also supports your upper body, helps you twist and bend, and protects your spinal cord and central nervous system. Being the highway for all the signals going from your brain to the rest of your body, it’s no wonder that taking care of your back is so important.

And yet, experts predict 80% of Americans will have some form of back pain in their lifetime. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons for missed work days and doctor visits. A lot of this can be attributed to our modern sedentary lifestyles. We sit at desks all day, then come home and plop down on the couch to watch TV. We don’t move around enough, and when we do, we’re not maintaining the right posture.

Lifting weights is also one of the most common causes of back pain. This is because people often don’t use the correct form when lifting, resulting in strain on the lower back.

In this blog post, we’re going to give you some tips on how to avoid back pain when lifting weights. By following these simple tips, you can keep your spine healthy and prevent pain down the road.

Weightlifting Injuries
Weightlifting injuries can be minor, causing only short-term pain and discomfort. However, in some cases, they can be more severe. Injuries to the spine can lead to disk herniation, which is a condition in which the disks between the vertebrae become damaged and begin to bulge between the spinal bodies. This can cause a lot of pain and may require surgery to correct it.

Regardless of the severity, living with back pain can be extremely difficult. It can make it hard to do the things you love and disrupt your life in a significant way. From learning the best way to sleep with back pain to how to sit without pain, it’s important to take steps to protect your back and keep it healthy.

How To Protect Your Back When Lifting Weights

Thankfully, here are a few tips on how to protect your back when lifting weights. With these tips, you can ensure that your back stays pain-free.

Pay Attention To Your Form
Naturally, your form is going to be different when lifting weights than it is when you’re doing other activities. It’s important to focus on your form and make sure you’re using the correct technique.

When lifting weights, be sure to keep your back straight to engage the supportive core muscles. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to let your back round when you’re lifting heavy weights. Not only does this put a strain on your spine, but it can also lead to injuries.

In addition to keeping your back straight, be sure to use your legs when lifting. Many people make the mistake of lifting with their back, which puts a lot of strain on the vertebrae and muscles. Instead, focus on using your legs to do the majority of the work. This will take some of the strain off of your back and help you avoid injuries.

Remember To Breathe
When you’re lifting weights, it’s important to remember to breathe. This may seem like a silly tip, but it’s very crucial. We may be enticed to hold our breath, especially when lifting heavy weights, but this can lead to injuries.

Your muscles get their energy through an aerobic process, so it’s important to keep them supplied with oxygen by breathing deeply and evenly. This will also help you avoid getting lightheaded or dizzy. What’s more oxygen-starved muscles can result in the lactic acid buildup and cramping. So be sure to take breaks and breathe deeply throughout your workout.

Start With A Neutral Spine
The neutral or natural position of the spine includes three anatomical curves, at the neck, upper back, and lower back. These all help with distributing stress evenly and protect the spinal cord. When these curves are maintained, it’s much easier for the spine to handle the strain of lifting weights.

If you’re not sure how to find your neutral spine, here’s what you should do:

  • Stand against a wall with your feet about hip-width apart
  • Press your head, upper back, and buttocks against the wall
  • While maintaining this position, try pushing your fingers into the small of your back. There should be a slight space between the small of your back and the wall

Stop If It Hurts
Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. So, if you feel any pain while lifting weights, just stop and rest. Continuing to lift weights when you’re in pain can lead to further injuries.

If the pain is sharp or severe, it’s best to seek medical attention. You may have a serious condition that needs to be treated.

Stretching Is Important
Before you start lifting weights, it’s important to warm up with some light stretching. This will help prepare your muscles for the workout and help prevent injuries.

Be sure to focus on your back, neck, and legs. These are the areas that will be under the most strain when lifting weights. You could try a few neck-strengthening stretches or walk on the treadmill for ten to fifteen minutes.

Stretching after your workout is also important. This will help your muscles recover and prevent soreness. again, focus on your back, neck, and legs. hold each stretch for at least thirty seconds before moving to the next one.

Don’t Go Beyond Your Limits
You may be tempted to lift heavier weights than you’re able to handle. But this is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you be more likely to injure yourself, but you’re also not going to see the results you want.

Is It Your First Time Lifting Weights? Here Are Some Tips For You
So, how do you know how much weight to lift? Here are a few tips:

  1. Start Light
    If it’s your first time lifting weights, it’s important to start light. This will help you get used to the motions and focus on using good form. Once you’re comfortable with the exercises, you can start adding more weight.
  2. Pick Up Weights Correctly
    When you do start lifting heavier weights, it’s important to do it correctly. This means using the proper technique to avoid injuries. When picking up a weight, be sure to bend at the knees, not the waist. keep your back straight and use your legs to lift the weight. If you need to, you can use a spotter to help you with heavier weights.
  3. Keep Going
    Even if you’re lifting light weights, it’s important to keep going. This means working out regularly and gradually increasing the amount of weight you lift. If you only work out once in a while, you’re not going to see the results you want. You need to be consistent with your workouts and slowly increase the intensity.
  4. Be Patient
    Remember to be patient. Results won’t happen overnight and you need to give your body time to adjust. If you’re lifting weights regularly and not seeing results, don’t get discouraged. It takes time to see results from weightlifting. Just keep at it and you’ll eventually see the results you want.
  5. Visit a Chiropractor
    If you’re having trouble with your back or neck, it may be time to visit a chiropractor. Chiropractors are trained to help relieve pain and improve range of motion, while also helping you maintain a healthy nervous system. With the right tools and expertise, they can identify the source of your pain and develop a plan to help you get relief. Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive, and non-pharmacologic treatment option that can help you get back to your workouts and reach your fitness goals.

Treat Your Back Pain With The Best Gonstead Chiropractor in Denver
Back pain shouldn’t keep you from living your life to the fullest. At Concise Chiropractic, we focus on getting to the root of your back pain so you can find relief and get back to doing the things you love.

We focus on providing customized care for each of our patients so you can get the best results possible. If you’re looking for relief from back pain, we may be able to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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